Inspirational Women Drawings - Drawing My Mother

For my inspirational women drawing, I decided to draw my mother. My mom has always been a role model to me and has always been there for me, so I didn't think twice about drawing her.
Through my drawing process, I did have to overcome obstacles, as there were many bumps in the road. For example, after I drew her to scale, she resembled a fish, so I had to re-adjust a bit. I also redrew the nose quite a bit, after not being happy with it multiple times. It started off too pointy, then too small, then it just wouldn't resemble her nose at all. I also struggled with the shading. If I would go in darker, then she would look strange and not like herself. That's why I kept the overall drawing light. If I could do this again, I would put in more shading, but lightly. I am happy with the end result though. And so is my mom.